"Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue." -Edith Wharton
I am a huge fan of quotes, and this one really spoke a lot to me. For one reason, part of my job is to work with children- and this is a prevalent issue. If I can't build on the experiences of the child (which is the basis of their reality), I stand little chance of actually being heard. Second, it is something my own mind is having a hard time working through right now. People offer wisdom and advice about every situation, everywhere you go. My difficulty is learning how to graciously sift through all of it and walk away with the parts worth keeping. If you have ever been offered advice about a situation that the advice-giver has NEVER experienced, you know how painful it can be. If everyone spoke solely from the basis of their own experiences, wouldn't we carry a lot more influence in those areas, and avoid inflicting wounds on others? Interesting that when we grow up, people expect us to hear them regardless of their experience or ours. 'Experts' on subjects often have head knowledge and no 'heart' knowledge or experience to speak from. Just my thoughts, from my experience of reconciling it in my own life. Now you get to choose whether to take it or leave it, because you always have that choice!
2 years ago
Very good point! It always bothers me when someone gives advice when it isn't asked for or they don't have any personal experience. However, sometimes people can apply a biblical principle to a situation they've never been through. That's helpful. Spouting off about personal ideas...NOT helpful.
Great post!
First of all, welcome to the blogging world!
Second of all, I agree with both you and Alison. People offering personal opinion type of advice on a situation they've never been through is both useless and potentially painful. I've been guilty of that more times than I can remember over the years. These days, I pretty much stick to speaking out of my own experience.
However, as Alison pointed out, truth is truth regardless of whether or not a pseron has actually walked through something.
Great post! Looking forward to more.
welcome Duckie!!! i like your thoughts!
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