Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Buzzard Cannibalism

My most random thought of the past couple weeks:

Do buzzards eat each other if they are the roadkill?

I think this is a symptom of too much driving for work. Way too much time on my hands in the car. I'll definitely be remembering to charge the iPod next time!


Amy Middleton said...

hahahaha! that's pretty gross.

Alison said...

LOL! I can hear you asking that question! hahaha

Hope said...

woo hoo, i found your blog!!

i'm going to agree. that's pretty gross, but i've never really thought about it. i'm usually trying to toss whatever toys i can or snacks or find the song alanna wants or get the choking hazard from nora while driving a manual on the left side of the road. whew.

Anonymous said...


Kristin Sheffield said...

That is a hilarious random thought. But understandable considering the type of drive you have to work.