Too many posts without pictures. Well, only two- but I say that's too many! So here are a few shots I've gotten over the past couple of weeks...
Who wouldn't want to visit kids like these? I love getting to spend time with my nephews! They are growing up WAY too fast. And they bring a whole new meaning to "Kids say the darnedest things." This guy, who is 7, announced today that Grandma and Papa have way too many beavers in their yard. After laughing, he was asked to clarify. "You know, because their yard has all those dirt piles in it- from the beavers." Or moles. Take your pick, I suppose.
While playing a game of Cranium Cadoo, this little guy tries to read the answers for us. (Keep in mind he doesn't know how to read yet.) After he held a card for a few seconds, he put it in the box and said, "Yup, you were right." Papa then asks him, "What did it say on the card? Can you read it for us?" The little guy freezes, and says, "Nope, I just already read it in my head." Wouldn't we like to know what he read?
Christmas was quite the day. My grandma came to visit, and we went to my brother's house for brunch and presents with the kids. My parents and I bought them a family present...none other than a Wii! And boy, did we enjoy playing! Then back home for naps, more presents, dinner, and playing cards. I enjoyed the day and felt blessed by my family and friends.
Not the best picture in the world, but it is the one time of year we ever attempt a family picture! The boys beginning the presents with their stockings...which only had a bag of coal! However, apparently the joke was on us because Brad pulled the coal out and read, "Cool, Santa's Coal Bubble Gum. I got bubble gum!" And was not the slightest bit disappointed!
Launching into more presents!
Opening the family gift...we really enjoyed watching them do this part!
Holy Cow- it's a Wii!
Papa showing Brad how to bowl on the Wii- look at the nice form!
Hmmm...interesting form, but he got a Spare!
On the way home, we got to see this AMAZING rainbow. It was the brightest one I've ever seen. Very fitting for a Christmas blessing.
How is it that one simple activity can sometimes hold monumental significance? Is every activity as significant, and we just miss it 99% of the time? Or do those certain activities only come around once and a while? Which then bears the question, how do we make sure we don’t miss those times?
I don’t have any answers to those questions, and as far as I know- the only person who would is God himself. In the meantime, I do know that I have had moments when I recognize the significance of certain activities; when it means so much more than what it appears to be on the surface.
Those times generally reveal more to me about who I really am and what my character really is. And let’s be honest- most of the time, it isn’t very pretty. But it is real. Real problems that need real attention. So I begin by thanking God that He allowed me to recognize the moment and I pray that He will change me.
Recently, I had one of those moments. It happened while participating in a diversity training at my job. Each of us lined up along two sides of a piece of yarn strung through the hallway. We faced our “teammate” as instructed. The coach told us that our goal was to get both of us on the same side of the yarn line. We could plead, cajole, convince, wheedle, etc., but we could not use physical force.
The game began and I immediately began trying to convince my teammate to join me on my side. “We’ll win and be first,” I said. “Do it for me,”was my next attempt. In the end, when time was called- we were still on opposite sides of the line. The coach then asked if anyone had offered to cross the line themselves and join their teammate. I felt like someone had slapped me in the back of the head.
God showed up and spoke to me in that moment.
“I crossed the line for you. That’s what I’m asking you to do for others. If you had looked beyond yourself and beyond ‘winning,’ you could have offered to cross the line.”
As if that wasn’t enough to bring me to my knees, the coach then says, “Would it have made any difference if I had told you that your teammate needed you on their side? Would you have offered to cross the line more quickly?”
I’d like to say I immediately answered ‘Absolutely.’ Especially given that my teammate is in reality one of my absolute best friends. But I hesitated. I wavered. I am ashamed to admit it, but I was not convinced that I would have offered to cross the line even then. I might have been more concerned about my needs. Because, see, the rule said I needed her, too. So she should have offered to join me.
God again began whispering,
“But Stephanie, if you had crossed the line to her, both of your needs would have been filled. You would have had each other.”
Wow. One simple game designed to improve communication in a workplace. God took it and made it so much more. And I am grateful that I didn’t miss it.
So, as 2008 approaches its end, I decided to attempt to catch myself up on here and maybe do a better job of updating in 2009. We'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, one thing I REALLY wanted to post about was a trip my friends (Alicia and Lauren) and I took to Wild Adventures in October. Without the benefit of pictures, it may not do it justice, but here are some snippets of conversations from that trip. Which was in fact to make it INTO the theme park, which we never did achieve. They were closed. Because it was raining. After we had called to check. Boo. Anyway, we had a blast without the park!
Prior to leaving for the trip, our boss informs us that she'd like us to be safe so we don't go off the road, flip over, and land in a stream. As if going off the road weren't bad enough, she had to add the stream.
We hydroplaned down a back road. With a river. Listened to castrating crowns (aka- Casting Crowns to those who can read...). Stopped to buy scratch-off tickets because we had to use the bathroom and felt bad not buying anything at the gas station. Alicia wanted a Christmas one. Lauren almost had a meltdown. We go to Chili's to eat dinner and think we see Hurley from Lost. We were wrong- it was a woman. Alicia tries to go to the bathroom and walks into the kitchen at the restaurant. Once she makes it to the bathroom, it is dimly lit and she thinks to herself- what if I looked in the mirror and said Bloody Mary three times? In walks a woman and small child. Alicia stifles a scream and returns to our table laughing hysterically. Ten minutes later we finally heard the story.
Other random quotes: "I look like I'm wearing a wig!" "I might have to unbutton my pants when I get back in the car." As we pull up in front of a closed Wild Adventures..."Wait, it's closed? What? Where do we get in? NOOOOO!" "And we spent 50 dollars on rain gear!" "What? 50 dollars on reindeer?" Um, no... "I'm a fast pee-er." "I didn't know there was such a thing. I only pee at one speed."
And my favorite conversation: As we drive along talking about what to name the GPS system in the car (after calling her 'Sophie' for three hours)..."What about Abby? or Maggie?" "How about Barbara- no, I can't call it that- I'd end up calling it Babs." Ding (sound from the GPS) "That reminds me of Wal-Mart." "Bird, bird, bird!" Thump. "Oh no, we hit an owl!" "Tongs-tongs-tongs. That's a funny word. Hey, how about naming it Tongya?"
Who says you need something or someone to entertain you? All we had was three friends, a long car ride, and laughter that burned about 1000 calories. Just call us resourceful.