Monday, October 6, 2008

Communication Assessment

So, we had to take this survey thing for work and we got the results today. I was classified as a "Conductor." What are the descriptors of this, you ask? Competitive, confrontational, direct, results-oriented, sense of urgency, change agent. 14 of the other 15 people that took it fell somewhere in the range of Coordinator, Supporter, Relater. Their descriptions? product-oriented, self-disciplined, accommodating, dislikes confrontation, persistent, controls emotions, adaptable, good listener, good supporter, team player, persistent cooperative, sensitive to others' feelings. Can you say polar opposites? Thoughts from the peanut gallery on how accurate my descriptors were? (and be nice- honest, but nice!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As someone on the supportive, coordinating side I think you are awesome just the way you are. You challenge me and make me think and I appreciate it!