Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winds of change

I moved cities, changed jobs, left my friends, left my church family, am helping start a new church, and have had my world totally rocked. I never in any part of my mind expected that this move would be anything like it has been. Difficult and challenging? Yes. Sad and tearful? Yes. Lonely? Yes. Has it brought me to my knees? Absolutely. And I am becoming more and more thankful for that as the days go by.

I was living in a comfort zone in Tallahassee. I'd been there for 10 years, I had my friends, I had my church, I had a job that I'd been at for a few years and everyone liked me. In all honesty, I had never faced too much opposition in any area of my life. Things were 'good' in the eyes of most people. Underneath my comfort, I knew that something was missing. God did not design that time of my life to last forever. It lasted for exactly as long as it should have- I truly believe that. There are people I met, experiences I was given, and events that took place that prepared me for where I am today.

So yes- this change has been excruciatingly difficult at times, but it has been exactly God's plan every step of the way. He has not been surprised by any of it, nor will He ever be surprised. If only I could remember that in every moment. 2010 is rapidly approaching and I am ready for the ride.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Popping in...

Hello? Where am I? Oh- I found me! :-)

I'm gonna give this whole blogging thing another try...for my own sake more than anything else. Writing tends to help me process my thoughts. So if for no other reason than to have a reminder of things that have past...I will make an attempt. No promises!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

April 5, 2009

So, while driving back to Tallahassee after Spring Break, I started thinking. I've been wanting change for awhile, and praying about what that might look like. Trusting God with my frustrations, desires, and ultimately my life, I began to pray that He would speak His will to me. Show me.

Through the course of thinking about several different events at my job and in my personal life, I came to the conclusion that I am no more secure in my current job than I am anywhere else. I also really felt like God was wanting to stretch me and grow me. This always involves change. I was ready, so I began praying about applying for jobs in other cities. Problem was, I wasn't convinced of which cities...until the next day.

At church, I overheard a friend talking with another friend and I jumped into the conversation on an assumption (definitely not recommending this...just being honest). Long story short, this friend and his wife were planning a church plant in Tampa, FL and were moving Summer 2009. My mind began churning and I asked if he wanted to take me with them. He said yes. Stunned, I immediately started thinking of what that entailed and how it would look. Within seconds, I was ready to go. God had given an immediate peace and confirmation that this is what He had been preparing me for. For a LONG time, people. I was ready, and I started sending e-mails that night about applying for jobs. The economy is not encouraging. The job market is less than hopeful. I was wondering if this was something that would work out, but I knew that my God is bigger than all of that. So I continued to pursue options.

The conversation at church happened on April 5. On April 13, I heard back about a job with the school district Tampa is in. I sent an application that night. On April 14, I got a confirmation e-mail and on April 16 my interview was formally scheduled for May 15. I spent a month preparing and praying. The interview came and went very well. On May 26 I was given a verbal job offer and it was confirmed the next week. From start to finish, the process took less than two months and was laid out every step of the way. Did it take faith? Absolutely. Can I offer any explanation about the situation except that God is sovereign and in control? Absolutely not.

I am beyond excited, sad, scared, and hopeful all at the same time. God is authoring a great adventure in my life and I am thrilled to see where this ride takes me. I know the One taking me, and that is all I need to know!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The REST of Spring Break 2009!

After we returned from our trip to NYC, I slept for a few hours and headed to my parents house to spend several days with them and my brother and his family. I absolutely adore my nephews and got to spend good time with them!

We played some shuffleboard, or as our family likes to call it, "Pucker."

After that, it was time to jump in the pool and cool off!

The next day, we headed down to the beach for some fun in the waves and I experimented with my camera. I LOVE some of these shots of my boys!

Then we have Brayden, the model. (Really, I think this was a look of annoyance that I was taking yet ANOTHER picture. He was waiting on the appliance delivery man to bring the new oven. Or as he liked to call it, the new grill cooker.)

All too soon, it was time to head back to Tallahassee. I miss these boys sooo much! But wait- VERY soon after I got back to Tally there was some news that would change life as I know it...

Stay tuned for the next installment...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New York City?!

I know you're all thinking this is about Pace Picante Sauce ('This stuff's made in...New York City?!) but no, it's not. Sorry. It's actually about a fantastic Girls Weekend I went on with three of my good friends from work. Lauren, Alicia, Christine and I planned a trip to see the sights in NYC and spend some good quality time together.

We went to a nice little Italian restaurant before we went to see Wicked. All in all, this was definitely my favorite part of the trip. I LOVE that show and highly recommend it!

Ferry to the................................................Statue of Liberty!!! Outside Gershwin Theatre

Perhaps one of the funniest moments of our trip was this man on the street. Yes, he is in all pink. Shirt, Pants, Jacket (it was furry), hat, sunglasses, and his shoes! Of course I took this picture from quite a ways off and used my handy zoom feature. Priceless!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun!

Good Grief! Where has time gone? So much for attempting to update the blog regularly. No such promises this time, but we'll see what happens!

Just because it's been so long, I'll start from where I left off and hopefully after a few updates we'll be caught up and ready to roll. Or bump along. Whichever the case may be.

So, for Valentine's Day this year, we decided to have a single ladies party and celebrate our friendships! Here are a few highlights of the night:

We made Valentine bags like we used to in elementary school and everybody brought Valentine cards for each other!
Mallory, Jessica, and Afrika working on making some homemade cards while we ate food!

Opening the Valentine's Day cards and sharing with each other. The homemade cards were hysterical.

Jess and I

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Memories of Root Beer Floats

So tonight I treated myself to a root beer float. I had an intense craving, people...and I mean intense. I digress. As I was beginning to enjoy it, I had a sudden flashback to my childhood. My dad used to make my brother and I root beer floats. He would artfully pour the drink in over the ice cream just right so it made the perfect amount of foam. I would use my spoon to get the foam off, and then get two bites with the ice cream. After that, I would stir and stir until I blended it all together. And then...then I would pretend that it was my medicine. I would drink it by teaspoonfuls and pretend that it was a healing liquid for whatever ailment I came up with at the time.

So after having this memory, I started laughing just thinking about it. But then...I did it again for old time's sake. Weird? Oh yeah. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to Work Blues...Or Not?

So, it is the night before the "dreaded" return to work (at least for most of those of us who work in public education). Vacation is over. Christmas has come and gone. The decorations are down, the festivities are through, and we all probably weigh a "slight bit" more than when we started. But I have to say, during a season when many people miss the 'magic' and fun of Christmas- I am more excited and hopeful about life than ever before. I am filled with awe and wonder at what God is capable of doing this year. A new season, a new time, a refreshing. My prayer is that this would not only happen once a year, but every single day. I want more of God in my life. Nothing else compares- not even in the slightest.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Marley and Me

Great book. Great movie. Have tissues ready...lots of them. Especially if you have ever loved a dog. Or had a dog. Or known a dog. Or looked at a dog. Or really if you have a sentimental side at all. Even this girl cried, and she couldn't remember the last time she cried in a movie. All that said, it is a very clean, very real book and movie- I recommend it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Eve Fondue Party!

So, a few years ago I bought my dad a fondue pot for Christmas. Since then, it has become a tradition for our family to have cheese and chocolate fondue on New Year's Eve, along with sparkling cider. My nephews participated last year and were SO excited to come back and do it again. Well, the evening came and my brother went to leave his house with the boys. They started running around the truck and had an unfortunate incident in which Brad's mouth hit the side of Brayden's head. As you can imagine, lots of blood was involved. However, the bigger worry (of the boys) was that they would not be able to come for fondue. So come they did, with Brad's lip the size of Texas. Poor guy looked wiped out and like he didn't feel so great. But he got fondue, so all was well with the world. Here are some pictures of the event (and please excuse his poor lip!)

Hope everyone's New Year got off to a bright start, full of hope and family and the things that truly matter.

A Living House

Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Lord, make me new. Change me and grow me into your will. I may not know what that is, but I want it more than anything else. I am committed. That is my One Little Word 2009. Check out the link for inspiration and an explanation.

What will your One Little Word 2009 be?