Too many posts without pictures. Well, only two- but I say that's too many! So here are a few shots I've gotten over the past couple of weeks...
Who wouldn't want to visit kids like these? I love getting to spend time with my nephews! They are growing up WAY too fast. And they bring a whole new meaning to "Kids say the darnedest things." This guy, who is 7, announced today that Grandma and Papa have way too many beavers in their yard. After laughing, he was asked to clarify. "You know, because their yard has all those dirt piles in it- from the beavers." Or moles. Take your pick, I suppose.
While playing a game of Cranium Cadoo, this little guy tries to read the answers for us. (Keep in mind he doesn't know how to read yet.) After he held a card for a few seconds, he put it in the box and said, "Yup, you were right." Papa then asks him, "What did it say on the card? Can you read it for us?" The little guy freezes, and says, "Nope, I just already read it in my head." Wouldn't we like to know what he read?
Christmas was quite the day. My grandma came to visit, and we went to my brother's house for brunch and presents with the kids. My parents and I bought them a family present...none other than a Wii! And boy, did we enjoy playing! Then back home for naps, more presents, dinner, and playing cards. I enjoyed the day and felt blessed by my family and friends.
Not the best picture in the world, but it is the one time of year we ever attempt a family picture! The boys beginning the presents with their stockings...which only had a bag of coal! However, apparently the joke was on us because Brad pulled the coal out and read, "Cool, Santa's Coal Bubble Gum. I got bubble gum!" And was not the slightest bit disappointed!
Launching into more presents!
Opening the family gift...we really enjoyed watching them do this part!
Holy Cow- it's a Wii!
Papa showing Brad how to bowl on the Wii- look at the nice form!
Hmmm...interesting form, but he got a Spare!
On the way home, we got to see this AMAZING rainbow. It was the brightest one I've ever seen. Very fitting for a Christmas blessing.
How is it that one simple activity can sometimes hold monumental significance? Is every activity as significant, and we just miss it 99% of the time? Or do those certain activities only come around once and a while? Which then bears the question, how do we make sure we don’t miss those times?
I don’t have any answers to those questions, and as far as I know- the only person who would is God himself. In the meantime, I do know that I have had moments when I recognize the significance of certain activities; when it means so much more than what it appears to be on the surface.
Those times generally reveal more to me about who I really am and what my character really is. And let’s be honest- most of the time, it isn’t very pretty. But it is real. Real problems that need real attention. So I begin by thanking God that He allowed me to recognize the moment and I pray that He will change me.
Recently, I had one of those moments. It happened while participating in a diversity training at my job. Each of us lined up along two sides of a piece of yarn strung through the hallway. We faced our “teammate” as instructed. The coach told us that our goal was to get both of us on the same side of the yarn line. We could plead, cajole, convince, wheedle, etc., but we could not use physical force.
The game began and I immediately began trying to convince my teammate to join me on my side. “We’ll win and be first,” I said. “Do it for me,”was my next attempt. In the end, when time was called- we were still on opposite sides of the line. The coach then asked if anyone had offered to cross the line themselves and join their teammate. I felt like someone had slapped me in the back of the head.
God showed up and spoke to me in that moment.
“I crossed the line for you. That’s what I’m asking you to do for others. If you had looked beyond yourself and beyond ‘winning,’ you could have offered to cross the line.”
As if that wasn’t enough to bring me to my knees, the coach then says, “Would it have made any difference if I had told you that your teammate needed you on their side? Would you have offered to cross the line more quickly?”
I’d like to say I immediately answered ‘Absolutely.’ Especially given that my teammate is in reality one of my absolute best friends. But I hesitated. I wavered. I am ashamed to admit it, but I was not convinced that I would have offered to cross the line even then. I might have been more concerned about my needs. Because, see, the rule said I needed her, too. So she should have offered to join me.
God again began whispering,
“But Stephanie, if you had crossed the line to her, both of your needs would have been filled. You would have had each other.”
Wow. One simple game designed to improve communication in a workplace. God took it and made it so much more. And I am grateful that I didn’t miss it.
So, as 2008 approaches its end, I decided to attempt to catch myself up on here and maybe do a better job of updating in 2009. We'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, one thing I REALLY wanted to post about was a trip my friends (Alicia and Lauren) and I took to Wild Adventures in October. Without the benefit of pictures, it may not do it justice, but here are some snippets of conversations from that trip. Which was in fact to make it INTO the theme park, which we never did achieve. They were closed. Because it was raining. After we had called to check. Boo. Anyway, we had a blast without the park!
Prior to leaving for the trip, our boss informs us that she'd like us to be safe so we don't go off the road, flip over, and land in a stream. As if going off the road weren't bad enough, she had to add the stream.
We hydroplaned down a back road. With a river. Listened to castrating crowns (aka- Casting Crowns to those who can read...). Stopped to buy scratch-off tickets because we had to use the bathroom and felt bad not buying anything at the gas station. Alicia wanted a Christmas one. Lauren almost had a meltdown. We go to Chili's to eat dinner and think we see Hurley from Lost. We were wrong- it was a woman. Alicia tries to go to the bathroom and walks into the kitchen at the restaurant. Once she makes it to the bathroom, it is dimly lit and she thinks to herself- what if I looked in the mirror and said Bloody Mary three times? In walks a woman and small child. Alicia stifles a scream and returns to our table laughing hysterically. Ten minutes later we finally heard the story.
Other random quotes: "I look like I'm wearing a wig!" "I might have to unbutton my pants when I get back in the car." As we pull up in front of a closed Wild Adventures..."Wait, it's closed? What? Where do we get in? NOOOOO!" "And we spent 50 dollars on rain gear!" "What? 50 dollars on reindeer?" Um, no... "I'm a fast pee-er." "I didn't know there was such a thing. I only pee at one speed."
And my favorite conversation: As we drive along talking about what to name the GPS system in the car (after calling her 'Sophie' for three hours)..."What about Abby? or Maggie?" "How about Barbara- no, I can't call it that- I'd end up calling it Babs." Ding (sound from the GPS) "That reminds me of Wal-Mart." "Bird, bird, bird!" Thump. "Oh no, we hit an owl!" "Tongs-tongs-tongs. That's a funny word. Hey, how about naming it Tongya?"
Who says you need something or someone to entertain you? All we had was three friends, a long car ride, and laughter that burned about 1000 calories. Just call us resourceful.
So, we had to take this survey thing for work and we got the results today. I was classified as a "Conductor." What are the descriptors of this, you ask? Competitive, confrontational, direct, results-oriented, sense of urgency, change agent. 14 of the other 15 people that took it fell somewhere in the range of Coordinator, Supporter, Relater. Their descriptions? product-oriented, self-disciplined, accommodating, dislikes confrontation, persistent, controls emotions, adaptable, good listener, good supporter, team player, persistent cooperative, sensitive to others' feelings. Can you say polar opposites? Thoughts from the peanut gallery on how accurate my descriptors were? (and be nice- honest, but nice!)
So while we were in Key Largo, we of course ate at several restaurants and had a wide array of fish options. I, however, did not begin enjoying any type of seafood until I was well into my college years. So, to give myself credit, I do have a limited frame of reference here. Anyway- we are sitting at this restaurant Wednesday night and I order a salad and Lauren orders a Mahi Mahi sandwich. She convinces me that I have to try this (because I've never had it before) and I'm little unsure, but I figure- what the heck. I eat it and enjoy it. Skip to the following evening, where we are at awesome little beachside restaurant:
I open the menu and immediately see the sandwich section, so I begin to peruse. All of a sudden, much to my horror, I see the option of a 'Dolphin' sandwich. I look frantically to Lauren and say- "People really eat dolphin?" To which she calmly responds, "Yes, that's what Mahi is- you ate it last night." Folks- when I tell you I was alarmed, that is an understatement. I practically scream, "You're telling me I ate FLIPPER?" At which point Lauren begins laughing and assures me that Mahi is a dolphin fish, not a porpoise. And to make me feel even better, she assures me that dolphin fish are indeed 'ugly.' So after dinner, we go into the connected store, and we find the facts that allow me to sleep at night.
To the Florida keys! That is where I currently am at a work conference with my good friend Lauren. After some interesting travel getting down here, and a surprisingly not-as-nice-as-they-bill-themselves hotel, we have in fact been enjoying ourselves. We've been on a glass bottom boat tour of the coral reefs, laid out at the pool, shopped a little, ate at fun restaurants, and sat through three half-days of conference. So last night, our cable in our room goes out. Still out today after 3 calls to the front desk, and they say they'll call engineering. Enter the guy we'll affectionately call 'Bojangles.' He tries his hardest to fix it and get us a new remote, and we currently have fuzzy basic cable. He really was very nice, just not my picture ideal of 'engineering.' Anyway, so Lauren actually took pictures with me this year and didn't wear a bathing suit cover-up. And she witnessed me consume alcohol. In Lauren's words (said with a sly smile and a twinkle in her eye), 'we've really thrown caution to the wind!' To which I reply, 'wow, if this throwing caution to the boring are we?' Followed by hysterical, gut-busting laughter, which has typically occurred at least once a day so far. Definitely making memories! Pictures will come later!
Vulnerability creates intimacy. My cry is for an intimacy first with God and then with other people. It sounds simplistic to state it in words, but the process is so much more involved. There was a point in the past where I came to the realization that I was living in a 'bubble' of sorts. One where I was content to float and bounce along, watching the lives of others. I was safe and protected- my bubble hadn't been busted. Then, I started wanting more...I didn't want the pain and hurt of being out of my bubble, where situations and circumstances and people could wound me...but I wanted joy. You see, life in my bubble was a way of protecting myself from pain, but it also resulted in insulating me from feeling any sort of emotion. I smiled emptily and I encouraged half-heartedly. My heart was not engaged in life. Thank goodness for a timely message that led me to burst my own bubble. I've become willing to accept the moments of pain and heartache because with it comes the ability to choose joy. God has given us innumerable gifts- the greatest of which was His son. Jesus epitomized vulnerability for the sake of gaining intimacy with us. With me. Wow.
1. capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon
open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.
(of a place) open to assault; difficult to defend
Intimacy: 1. a close association with or detailed knowledge or deep understanding 2. a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship
I have been reminded lately in several ways of the power of words- in every form. Words can destroy and words can create. They truly have the power of life and death. I am so grateful that people in my life have chosen to use their words to encourage my life. I am touched that people invest in me. My love languages are absolutely without a doubt- 1. Physical touch- boy, do I love me some hugs! 2. Words of Affirmation. So, it probably goes without saying, but my love tank sure is pretty full right now!
So to catch up a little, this Memorial Day weekend wasn't quite as action-packed as last year, but OH it was so much more relaxing and I didn't come home tired! We ate a little, shopped a lot, went to the beach, hung out at the pool, watched movies, played Scrabble (our trademark game), but most of all just got to talk and catch up. I love this girl. So much. How did I ever get so lucky to have her as one of my best friends???
"God isn’t intimidated by my disappointment. It doesn’t make God turn away from me because I wish that things were different sometimes; in fact, it makes Him come nearer."
I read that on another blog this week, and it really hit home for me. I think that God truly enters in a new way when we become open and raw enough to admit that we are disappointed with certain things in life, that we hurt with pain that causes our bodies to shake with sobs, and that we want more from this life. As we stand empty-handed, heart-broken and weeping before God, He becomes magnified and His presence begins to consume us. It is in those moments that I have gained a greater understanding of myself becoming less so that God can become more. His strength is perfected in our weakness.
Perspective matters. Assumptions and judgments are never worthwhile- a lot of hurt can be avoided by asking simple questions. Effective communication goes a long way. Encouragement and support are vital and bring life to everyone. At the end of the day, humans will never be perfect, but God is still God. He is not changed by our imperfections.
Just a few thoughts about how God has been working in my life recently!
So, two of my friends and I are sitting at lunch talking today. One pipes up, "I've always been in a long-term relationship, I never really sowed my wild oats or anything." The second responds, "I'm not sure I even came equipped with oats."
Wow. That sure explains a lot!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
This is how I feel about seeing...
this girl!!! We are going to do some of...
this...and I'm QUITE sure some of...
Memorial Day 2008, my'll be one for the record books. :-)
In an attempt to 'update' more often, as requested by a friend, the following is your treat (or trick, haha) for the evening.
So folks, this year, my birthday will be: 08-08-08. I really don't think there is anything extra special about it, but I do think it is pretty unique, because I bet not many people get that experience. AND- it is the opening of the summer olympics in Beijing! I LOVE THE OLYMPICS. I have to admit that gymnastics is my favorite in the summer olympics. When I was little, I used to attempt the routines in our living room. I'm not sure how I made to the age of 21 before I broke a bone....but I did.
What else is going through my head right now? Nothing. Like a great friend of mine says, 'I think if you were to open my brain up, there would just be a little man inside tap-dancing away.' Complete with cane and top-hat. So, until more inspiration hits, I am going to hit the bed. But P.S.- check out my friend, Amy's, blog. I have a personal investment in her blog topic!
I just have to say that God is more amazing to me every single day. So this past week was a little hectic (more like insane) and I spent Tuesday being completely stressed out. I was not choosing the best response in the face of my job and the work that was piled up. I went to bed too late and woke up too early and started the day Wednesday already in a bad mood. As I was driving out of Southwood to head to work, someone started tailing me. Perfect. Just what I was hoping would happen first thing in the morning when I'm already agitated. So my first thought is to slow down, but I realized that was just cruel. So then I think, fine- I'll just put the pedal to the metal and get this joker off my tail. As I am about to do this, a little voice says to me, "Don't speed up, there will be a deer in the road." And I think to myself, "I'm sorry...what?" At that moment, I come to a rise in the road and on the other side what do I see? You guessed it. A deer. Standing in the road. So I immediately say, "Ok, God. I'm listening." And He proceeds to point out to me that if he takes the time to speak to me about a deer in the road, do I really think He won't speak to me and provide for me in more important areas? Wow. I'm humbled and encouraged and praise Him the whole way to work.
Which is where I then proceed to promptly forget this interaction and become stressed out yet again as multiple people start making demands on me and my time. So the day goes on and I get a call from a friend who says, "Let me pray for you," and prays that God would expand my time. I love God, I love prayer, don't get me wrong. But at this point, I'm thinking- Great, I need to go back to work. So I do. No huge breakthroughs. So I go home and am discouraged the rest of the evening. Around bedtime, a thought pops into my head, "At the end of the day- God is still God. Nothing I or anyone else can do will EVER limit Him accomplishing His will." Ironically, this statement is the exact one I have shared with a friend earlier in the week in regards to her situation. Funny how God works.
So Thursday comes and I head off to work, not looking forward to the prospect of what I know is in store for me. I arrive at work (2 hours of driving later, mind you) to find that NO ONE has done what they were supposed to and now I have nothing to do. I have driven two hours to get to a county to work and they haven't done their end of the job. Great. But then I remember, a little voice that morning had told me to pack my computer and paperwork for other schools (which I NEVER do). So, I go get it from the car and I get to sit and work all day on the paperwork that has been overwhelming me. Praise God, He expanded my time. Then, I am told I can have next Thursday off as well. Another day to accomplish work in a different county. So I return home. At this point, you'd think I'd stop being so hard-headed and get the point. But....nope.
I start stressing about Friday's task, which is an autism evaluation that has to be completed and the report written (which is usually a collective 20-hour task) in a matter of three weeks. Not impossible, but improbable given the amount of other work I also have. So what happens? The client calls and cancels the appointment. YES! And to top it off, no other client could come and fill the spot. So my time was yet again hugely expanded. It was at this point that I finally knelt and prayed and repented for my stubborn attitude and refusal to surrender. God must look at me and shake his head sometimes. In a loving, 'I can't believe how hard-headed this kid is' kinda way, with a little smile on His face.
Do buzzards eat each other if they are the roadkill?
I think this is a symptom of too much driving for work. Way too much time on my hands in the car. I'll definitely be remembering to charge the iPod next time!
For all my music nerd friends out there (aka- Jen), here is my newest random revelation from God last night. I'm sitting in Tallahassee Winds rehearsal, and the lady next to me is having issues with her music stand. As in, every time she pulls it up, it slowly creeps back down. So as she's playing, she is trying to hold it up with her knee, and every time we have a rest in the music, she pulls it back up really high so it takes longer to sink. I watch this through several pieces until I realize, duh- if I slide my stand over, hers can rest on the edge of mine and it won't sink anymore. So, I act on this. And she looks at me with the most genuine look of appreciation and says, "Thank you SO much."
And I sit, thinking...funny how such a small thing can inspire gratitude in people. (And funny how long it took me to realize the solution). But seriously, if we as people would just do the little things to support the friends and people in our lives and be grateful to recognize what others do...we could really and truly live in the kind of community and relationship God has called us to. My prayer is that I would find a little thing to do every day to bless someone and let them know I am here to support them. And also, that I would recognize those times when other people bless me and be truly, genuinely, beyond appreciative for them. Just something God's been working on in my heart.
In honor of girl scout cookie season, I was prompted to share this post. Growing up, my older brother was in boy scouts for as long as I can remember. My mom was a scout mom, which meant she went to their meetings, and she took me with her. Well, once a little girl reaches the age she can join Brownies, she is no longer welcome at the boy scout meetings. So, when I reached that age, they sent a girl scout to my house to ask if I would be interested in joining girl scouts. My mom called me to the door to talk, and this is how the conversation went:
Girl scout: "Hi! I wanted to tell you about being a girl scout and let you ask any questions you have. We'd love to have you come and join us!"
Me: "GIRL SCOUTS ARE SISSIES!" (insert slamming of the door)
My mom: "Well, I guess that's your answer."
It was a short conversation, but a very clearly communicated response. Could you say I was a tomboy? ABSOLUTELY!
So, most of us have been through public school and are well-acquainted with the whole fire drill and tornado drill protocols. I have to say that in all my years of schooling, that's all it ever was...a drill. On Tuesday, I experienced my first ever 'for real' duck-and-cover with a school full of kindergarten through second-graders. Can I say I'll be perfectly okay if that never happens again?
First of all, a sure fire way to create panic is to make a schoolwide announcement that begins with, "I need everyone to remain calm, but..." Yikes. Talk about immediate chills. Anyway, the first 5-10 minutes were a little scary, given that a tornado had been spotted not too far from the school. The remaining HOUR AND A HALF was just crazy. The kids were allowed to sit up after several minutes, but no one was allowed to move about the school. So imagine nine classes of kindergarteners in one library for almost two hours....doing nothing. Right. So, while the drama of it was a little fun, the reality of it was a whole lot less fun. Poor kids...or poor teachers. Depends on how you look at it.
"Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue." -Edith Wharton
I am a huge fan of quotes, and this one really spoke a lot to me. For one reason, part of my job is to work with children- and this is a prevalent issue. If I can't build on the experiences of the child (which is the basis of their reality), I stand little chance of actually being heard. Second, it is something my own mind is having a hard time working through right now. People offer wisdom and advice about every situation, everywhere you go. My difficulty is learning how to graciously sift through all of it and walk away with the parts worth keeping. If you have ever been offered advice about a situation that the advice-giver has NEVER experienced, you know how painful it can be. If everyone spoke solely from the basis of their own experiences, wouldn't we carry a lot more influence in those areas, and avoid inflicting wounds on others? Interesting that when we grow up, people expect us to hear them regardless of their experience or ours. 'Experts' on subjects often have head knowledge and no 'heart' knowledge or experience to speak from. Just my thoughts, from my experience of reconciling it in my own life. Now you get to choose whether to take it or leave it, because you always have that choice!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I miss these guys...I just wanna SQUEEZE them both!
So I just learned a VERY valuable lesson. Well, two actually. One- always check behind yourself to make sure you have collected ALL of your belongings when you are leaving somewhere. Two- when using a USB memory stick, ALWAYS back up the information somewhere else. Twenty minutes of panic ended in a very fortunate finding of said memory stick, but it could have been a LOT worse...
So...I'm venturing into the world of blogging. Interesting at the least, perhaps even insightful on the best of days. This is a whole new world for me, but hopefully one that will work out nicely. I've begun the intense process of thinking about what I'm thinking about. Try that one on for size. Sometimes these thoughts are loaded and complicated, other times it's as if...a "man is simply tap dancing inside my head" (to steal a great quote from a friend). Who knows where this will go, or even how often- but if you care to read, it'll be here!